We Ship to US addresses (NO military and/or PO box addresses)

You can estimate the shipping cost at the Cart page. We provide excellent shipping rates (and also Free Shipping on orders of $750 or more).

Please enter the zip code for the shipping address in the 'Calculate Shipping' box and click on the "Go" button to get the shipping cost for your order.

Shipping Outside the US

If you need your order to be shipped outside the US (Canada, Europe, etc') please Contact Us so we can provide you with the shipping cost.

In order to serve you best, we will need to know what you would like to order as well as the destination address, Postal code and country, so we can calculate the total weight and provide you with the most accurate information possible.

You can estimate the shipping cost at the Cart page. .
Please enter the postal code for the shipping address in the 'Calculate Shipping' box and click on the "Go" button.

When Orders Are Shipped?

We do our best to ship all orders the same day we receive them.

Most orders received before 1:00PM EST will ship the same day if products ordered are in stock and the warehouse can handle the order the same day.
Orders received after 1:00PM EST will most likely be shipped the next business day.
In any case, all orders are shipped within 2 business days of order entry.

Business days are Monday thru Friday, excluding federal holidays within the United States.
We cannot guarantee when an order will arrive. Consider any shipping or transit time offered to you by our store or other parties only as an estimate. We encourage you to order in a timely fashion to avoid delays caused by shipping or product availability.
Delays may occur for different reasons we have no control of (such as weather, broken truck, etc').
Orders are normally shipped from our GA warehouse, but may be shipped from other facilities as well.

Thank You for shopping with us!
Winshare Puzzles & Games